How Is Technology Revolutionizing Health Care Administration As We Know It? - Techvrom

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Monday 9 October 2017

How Is Technology Revolutionizing Health Care Administration As We Know It?

technology in health care
Image: Pixabay
Over the past two decades, dozens of leaps in technology as it pertains to medical usage have occurred. It’s the driving force in modern medicine today.
Although many of the conventions of health care have remained the same, the way we administer treatment is much improved. Huge waves in healthcare administration have also transpired, as well.
Reliance on administrative technology has become mainstream practice in major hospitals and specialty clinics that understand how it can streamline operations and limit errors. Technology helps patients find providers as well as empower providers to facilitate excellent care.
Health-care organizations of every size should understand how technology can revolutionize their practices if they let it.

Robotic Checkups and Surgery

There are now FDA-approved robots that can monitor hospital hallways and check on patients as well as a human doctor would. It frees up some of the medical professionals’ time so they can deliver a higher quality of care to the patients who really need it.
The robot can internalize chart information, then move around the hospital with a two-way screen equipped with medical monitoring equipment. The information gathered is sent directly to the doctor. If there’s a problem, the health-care provider is more likely to catch it in time with this software.
There are also robots that can perform minor surgeries and assist with major ones. The tech helps to improve accuracy and reduce scarring. What’s more, a study from the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington revealed that a supervised autonomous robot did a better job of performing soft-tissue surgeries than the surgeon.
If you need to reduce human error in your medical facility, robotics may be an excellent option.


In the United States alone, more than 46 million people live in rural areas, which equals more than 15 percent of the population. For many of these citizens, health-care centers might be more than an hour away, which significantly reduces accessibility and proper care.
Telemedicine is one answer for organizations that seek to serve their population better. Patients can ask doctors for advice about illnesses and find out whether they should travel the distance to a health-care facility or address the problem at home.
Doctors can write prescriptions and share home remedies to improve the quality of life of citizens in rural areas.

HIPAA Compliance

One of the primary frustrations of health-care providers are mistakes with HIPAA compliance. A single mistake can put a healthcare provider in line for an audit or malpractice suits.
Many HIPAA compliance concerns can be handled via proper training, but technology can aid your organization better. Savvy healthcare organizations invest in integrated data and performance solutions that focus on predictive analytics and regulatory compliance.
The software enables health-care administrators to predict trends and save time on necessary paperwork. You’ll see fewer mistakes and a greater overall quality of care.

Electronic Filing

Most health-care organizations use electronic filing, and it’s been a lifesaver. Before we used electronic filing, records were disorganized and easily misplaced. There were more errors, and transfer of files to a new provider was a nightmare.
Now, electronic filing is the status quo, and it makes everything from delivering quality care to complying with HIPAA regulations much easier. In combination with other software solutions, it has been revolutionary for health care.

Patient Acquisition and Retention

Technology is a huge driving force in the consumer realm. About 78 percent of patients have looked online for health info, according to University of South Florida research. That includes information about the best health-care providers in their area.
USF research also showed that health-care providers often communicate with their patients through technology. Ninety percent of caregivers own a cell phone, and more than a third use it to communicate with patients. One in five individuals is able to access their medical results online as well.
Social media, online reviews, well-designed websites, SMS messaging, and other factors also provide patients with a higher quality of care. These online triggers bring new patients to your door as well as encourage both first-time visitors and long-term patients to stick around.
It’s because of these technological connections that we have such superb health-care opportunities today.
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